“Children of the Corn” Beware!

Beware of the (GGM) Green Giant Monsanto, and GMO’s (genetically modified organisms)

Here is an excerpt from a must read!

” Ultimately, there are better, healthier ways to make cheaper food. Until then the best thing we can do is to demand further investigations and buy organic products whenever practical.
And if you can’t afford to buy organic, O’Brien recommends, “A great first step, given how pervasive these ingredients are in processed foods that often use these ingredients to extend shelf life, is to reduce your exposure to processed foods and stick with pronounceable ingredients and foods that your grandmother would have served her kids.”

Meanwhile, let’s endeavor to make Monsanto a household name. But not in a good way.


READ YOUR LABELS,  research you food products, and SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL FARMS!!

Eating Organic

Find organic farms in your neighborhood (also includes info on local restaurants buying and serving organically grown dishes):

For organic produce (fruits, vegetables and herbs) to grow or buy – www.localharvest.org

For organically grow meats to buy – www.eatwild.com

Great information for fingding your hometown farming community!

How to Grow Your Vegetable Garden-GMA

 For those who did not catch a great segment on GMA 

How to Grow Your Vegetable Garden

Eat Healthier and Cheaper by Growing Your Own Veggies

Organic Fresh Foods

Top Fruits and Vegetables You Should & Should NOT Buy Organic !

To make wiser consumer choices here is a list of produce with the highest level of pesticide contamination. The following list is based on information and studies by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Consumer Reports, and the Environmental Working Group.

Nectarines – 97.3% of nectarines sampled were found to contain pesticides.
Celery – 94.5% of celery sampled were found to contain pesticides.
Pears – 94.4% of pears sampled were found to contain pesticides.
Peaches – 93.7% of peaches sampled were found to contain pesticides.
Apples – 91% of apples sampled were found to contain pesticides.
Cherries – 91% of cherries sampled were found to contain pesticides.
Strawberries – 90% of strawberries sampled were found to contain pesticides.
Imported Grapes – 86% of imported grapes (i.e. Chile) sampled were found to contain pesticides.
Spinach – 83.4% of spinach sampled were found to contain pesticides.
Potatoes – 79.3% of potatoes sampled were found to contain pesticides.
Bell Peppers – 68% of bell peppers sampled were found to contain pesticides.
Red Raspberries – 59% of red raspberries sampled were found to contain pesticides.

Here is a list of fruits and vegetables found to contain the least amount of pesticides. Notice that many of these have thick, inedible skins which protect the fruit.

Corn (However, almost all corn is genetically modified)
Sweet Peas

There’s lots of reasons to buy organic. First, it’s better for the environment. No pesticides means healthier soil, water, and wildlife. Buying organic supports small farmers. Organic farmers can earn a fairer price for organic produce compared to factory farming. Organic farming is good for biodiversity. Organic farmers are growing a wide variety of non-genetically modified (non-GMO) fruits and vegetables. Organic farmers are resurrecting many heirloom varieties.
Finally, organic foods are healthier for you. The research on whether consuming organic food is healthier for people remains inconclusive. However, the USDA’s own tests show that most non-organic produce contain residual pesticides even after washing. The long term effects of consuming these pesticides has not been sufficiently studied, but they can’t be good for you.

Consuming less food that is contaminated may actually save you money and your health in the long run. If you have children you are investing in their future health too!

Greening the SCHOOL (I)

Protecting our children and the environment:

The first priority of any school must be the health and safety of th children under its care.  Unfortunately, however, many school environments are not safe due to the use of household and industrial strength cleaners. Often the cleaning products that are used within the school contain dangerous chemicals which may be harmful to the health of the children.  Health effects may seem temporary and benign such as headaches, eye and throat irritation, couching and increased susceptibility to temporary illness; or they may be acute, such as triggering of asthma attachs or severe allergic reations.  Unfortunately, there may also be chronic, long term effects from these chemicals such as learning kisabilities and serious illness.

ChildrensMercyHospital-1.jpg Childresn Mery Hospital, KC, MO. Dedicated to the sick children. image by Dinkyjean

There are two vital ways to greening the schools:

1) Elimate harmful toxic cleaning products within school buildings, thus making them safer and healthier environments, and;

2) By eliminating these harmfull substances the earths environment is also being helped!


– Conserve Home Energy, Save Money!


Stock Up!
Keeping your fridge well-stocked means the compressor cycles less often. It’s easier to chill food than the air surrounding it.

Set The Mood… Turning the lights down makes for an inviting atmosphere, and it saves electricity. A compact fluorescent light bulb (CFL) has a 10,000-hour lifespan. New low-wattage CFLs work with conventional incandescent dimmers and cost about $20 per bulb. (Visit GELighting.com and Siliconsolar.com ) Another way to save energy is to use natural, organic decorative candles in rooms that need only a little bit of illumination (i.e. after dinner light a natural, made in USA  candle on the counters in the kitchen, or in the family room during TV time.)... evening by the candle ...

Green Energy:

The are a few different ways that green power programs are set up, but generally : you agree to pay for your electricity at the going rate for renewable sources—wind, solar, biomass, or some combination, depending on what’s available in your area. Your utility then adds that much more renewable energy to the grid on your behalf, and decreases the amount it gets from fossil fuels. 

Rates for all of these sources of renewable and non-renewable energy change frequently, which is probably why a lot of programs don’t tell you up front exactly what the price difference is.

the National Renewable Energy Lab recently crunched the numbers for the top ten most-used green energy programs. They found that, in the case of all ten green energy programs, consumers paid less than a penny per kilowatt hour more than they otherwise would have. And when you consider that electricity usually sells at around 8 to 14 cents/kWh, the added cost is really a pittance.

Especially if you’re good about conserving electricity in the first place, by doing things like making sure your home is well-insulated, using passive solar power (windows) to keep your home warm in winter and using sun-blocking shade in the summer, unplugging appliances, and turning the heat and AC down. Sometimes, believe it or not, the renewable rate drops even below the standard rate! Who said going green was too expensive?

Made in the Shade:

According to a study conducted by the American Society of Heating and Air Conditioning Engineers, solar radiation through glass is responsible for approximately 20% of the load on an air conditioner. Outside shade products like awnings, and solar shades prevent the solar radiation from penetrating through the glass and substantially increase energy saved when compared to film and tinted glass alternatives. According to the American Society of Heating and Air Conditioning Engineers, a fabric awning reduces heat gain by 55-65% during the period of the day when the sun shines directly on southern facing windows/glass doors. For western exposure, the reduction in heat gain is 72-77%. Check out Sunsetter.com (assembled in the USA!)Caswell Dual Awning.jpg

AND, Shut the Door! – Its FREE!

Especially if you are in a multi-level home, pull down the shades, close the drapes and then close the doors in the morning while it is still cooler in the home. (Especially in the newer home with high ceilings the heat rises to the upstairs rooms, this eliminates that heat from getting to the bedrooms) !! Make sure you have an attic fan to take the warm air out of the attic.  These simple, no cost tips will keep the house cooler thru the day and not require the AC to work as hard.